Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Midwife
We had the consultation with Lori Link, CNM.(certified nurse midwife) on Monday night--to see if everyone felt comfortable about "working" together on Baby Hilburn's home birth.

Lori has delivered for 4 of my friends (approximately 17 babies total between those friends!) and countless other women in the Springfield area (including Amish & Mennonite communities).  I've known I wanted to use her for my own babies for 7-8 years.  I was just afraid that she'd be retired by the time I got around to getting pregnant!

It was a great visit.  Aaron & I really like her & feel comfortable trusting her with this birth.  We're going to do our own preparations (Bradley method, etc.) but are glad to have someone so capable & knowledgeable on the other end. ;-)

Lori explained what she will and will not do: no twins, no breech, and a few other things that put our minds at ease. 

We look forward to meeting with her April 16th to do preliminary blood work, medical histories & to hear the baby's heartbeat!!

Think Positive!!!

It took longer than we thought it would, but we finally did it!  We can't wait to start this new chapter of our lives and see what else God has in store for us.  He has been faithful.