Friday, March 27, 2009

The Kids

Here are "Aaron's" hyacinths (I planted them, because they're his favorite) & the first daffodil in my little flower garden.

And then there's the experimental vegetable garden: I got the idea of using cardboard from Debi Pearl of "No Greater Joy Ministries."
I cut holes in the cardboard & put my seeds or plants in the hole. The cardboard does 3 things: keeps down the weeds, helps retain moisture (so you don't have to water as often), and adds organic matter to the soil (in the fall, I'll layer chopped leaves, compost, manure and top it off with more cardboard. It will then sit all fall & winter & break down).
It ain't pretty, but--if it works--we're happy! So far, we've planted onions, garlic & potatoes.

1 comment:

GrannyG said...

Hey guys. I love what you are doing and the "way" you are doing it. Living the quiet life, etc. We should all have that as our goal! Love ya.