Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Our Crib

I took these pictures May 2008, after we'd been living in the trailer for 4 months. Not a whole lot has changed. I'd like to show pictures of what it looked like before we got out our paint brushes, hammer, and elbow grease.

In a nutshell, after pulling out the dirty, smelly carpet & cleaning out all of the furniture, clothes, pots & pans that the previous owners left behind, we got to work.
We put down new floors, painted every (and I mean EVERY) square inch, re-plumbed the pipes, put insulation under the floors (where there was none), and a lot of other "little" things too numerous to mention.

Even though it was a free house, Aaron says that we overpaid!


Anonymous said...

Wow it looks really nice. You guys have done great on make the place look like I home.

JennyLee said...

Your home looks amazing and so comfortable!