Monday, January 17, 2011

Christmas 2010

Oh what fun it is to your family's house for Christmas!

Another great time with the Hilburn and Stanley clan!

Brother-in-law Matt with his token pose!...James reading a blessing to little brother Trevor...Janey modeling the scarf I knit for sister Stephanie...

Little bro Trevor...Aaron the b-day boy (33!)...neice Ashley giving a shout out to the TMNT (old school, of course!)

Rheagan & Juan decided to drive from Ft. Lauderdale, FL. to Fair Grove, MO. this year (the returning trip was worst) and stayed for almost 2 weeks!

Jonas ready for a trip to Bass Pro...Elijah, Auntie, Rheagan and Jonas...Elijah and the Alligator Gar at Bass Pro ("is he steh-wee?")

Daddy and Elijah...Grandmother Stanley & Jonas...Christmas morning with new toys!
You're never too old to get a new toy for Christmas!

Jonas with his Great-Grandmother Gentry...Elijah on Uncle Aaron's tractor...looking at our nieghbor's pigs...
On the tractor with Papa...helping Auntie cook in the kitchen...

Here's hoping your Christmas was even better than ours!!


Melody said...

I love these pics! Make me homesink for the kids!

Melody said...

Love these pics! makes me homesick for the babies!

Aaron & Moriah said...

I so enjoy your blog. I love keeping up with your family and seeing the little kids and the big kids too! Love you guys!

Judy White said...

OOPS! That didn't come out right, it said to select Name/url...Aaron & Moriah!

Okay, it's really from Judy White. I'm not familiar with this new fangled blog comment stuff!