Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Midwife
We had the consultation with Lori Link, CNM.(certified nurse midwife) on Monday night--to see if everyone felt comfortable about "working" together on Baby Hilburn's home birth.

Lori has delivered for 4 of my friends (approximately 17 babies total between those friends!) and countless other women in the Springfield area (including Amish & Mennonite communities).  I've known I wanted to use her for my own babies for 7-8 years.  I was just afraid that she'd be retired by the time I got around to getting pregnant!

It was a great visit.  Aaron & I really like her & feel comfortable trusting her with this birth.  We're going to do our own preparations (Bradley method, etc.) but are glad to have someone so capable & knowledgeable on the other end. ;-)

Lori explained what she will and will not do: no twins, no breech, and a few other things that put our minds at ease. 

We look forward to meeting with her April 16th to do preliminary blood work, medical histories & to hear the baby's heartbeat!!


Ashley said...

I have also had a home birth with Lori. She and her team were fabulous! My family thought i was crazy until they met Lori and Beth! I have had 4 births and my last i chose a homebirth. It was the most amazing experience ever. One thing i regretted is having them all at home with Lori! Absolutely love her! Good luck with this wonderful life experience.

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